Sonic Beat 24


Read Music Notes Easily - For Children.

This e-book makes learning music notes easy and enjoyable and is designed to help YOUR child or music student whiz through learning music notes.

Here's a list of what your child or student will receive from this e-book:

Your child will gain confidence in playing as they easily learn to recognize all the music notes.

Your child will love the 32 pages of brightly colored comical illustrations and clear diagrams.

Your child will be hugely entertained by the hilarious voices of the 'Gang of Seven' characters used in this e-book. Embedded behind all the illustrations of the Gang of Seven members are voice clips that your child can play as they view the e-book on their computer screen, simply by clicking on each picture with their mouse.

Your child will also enjoy playing the music clips embedded in all the keyboard and staff diagrams. As your child listens to every note that is discussed, by clicking on the diagrams, they will easily relate the material to their own keyboards.

This e-book's simple explanations of basic music terms such as bar lines, clefs and ledger lines will help your child master the fundamentals of music theory.

Also included in this e-book is a unique Gang of Seven Musical Map Chart that will give your child an overview of all the notes on the Great Staff. (This makes a great teaching aid to frame and set up near your child's keyboard or piano!)

And best of all... your child will be encouraged to love music as this e-book helps them easily conquer the biggest obstacle facing new music students - how to read music notes.

Learn More Click Here!

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