Sonic Beat 24


How to Read Music...In One Evening!

Dear Friend:

Is it really possible?


Is it guaranteed?


Is it expensive?


Is it hard?


It's true.

I really can teach you to read music in a very short period of time. You won't be great, of course, but you'll be on your way, so for the rest of your life you can enjoy reading music and get better at it as you go along.

I know -- it sounds like a some con game, some rip off, some shoddy offer where they take your money and run. I not only wouldn't do that, but it's not even possible -- when you order a downloadable course such as this through ClickBank (see below) you can get a refund for any reason or no reason.

But it isn't a con game or rip off. I've taught piano and music theory for over 40 years now in the beautiful Rogue River Valley of Oregon, and I've taught thousands of people how to read music and play the piano. If it was a rip-off, the US Post Office and other agencies would have shut me down years ago. Instead, I've taught many postal workers and their kids. (One is now a Medford policeman) I've sponsored a Little League team named "Shinn Music" for years. I've taught many teachers, doctors, and scores of professional people. Most everyone around Medford knows me on a first-name basis. Learn More Click Here!

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