Sonic Beat 24


White Noise Machines

White Noise machines are machines that produce soothing sounds to help you either sleep or to mask outside noises to help you stay focused. The machines typically create nature sounds such as the rush of an ocean, the flow of a stream, the crackling of a fire, and so on. These machines are very common and popular in stores, particularly online.

One such machine is the Sound Oasis S-5000 Deluxe Sleep Sound Therapy system. This system is worth around 200 dollars. The machine is for creating white noise machine, speakers, and sound mixing equipment. Another product is the Marpac 1288-A Deluxe White Noise Machine which is a programmable white noise machine with a speaker. It’s for 115 dollars.

Not all white noise machines are machines; some come as clocks. For example, there is the Bio Brite Sunrise Alarm Clock, which is a programmable clock that can change sounds over the course of 15, 30, and 60-minute intervals. One of the models costs around 120 dollars. However, not all the alarm clocks are this expensive. For instance, there is the Sound Oasis S-850 Alarm Clock that costs 90 dollars. It nature sounds to help its users cancel out noise from the outside and sleep soundly.

But not all systems are towards hundred dollar mark. The Graco Sweet Slumber Sound Machine is geared towards children by offering lullabies. However, it also includes white noise and nature sounds that can work just like a charm. It costs around forty dollars.

Another product in the forty-dollar range is the Marpac Dohm-DS Dual Speed Sound Conditioner. This product is compact and small enough to be in a given room without causing any clutter or stumbles around the room.  It is for a low price, around forty dollars as well.

Finally, and eBay have a variety of less expensive options as well. For instance, Amazon has the ConAir Sound Therapy System machine, a white noise machine that costs 19 dollars. Another product on Amazon is the HoMedics SS-2000E Sound Spa Nature Sounds Machine with 6 Nature Sounds. This system costs only 20 dollars as well yet it is compact, features, as its name suggests, six nature soothing sounds, and has the same sound canceling capabilities as the more expensive, high end, products seem to offer.

So, if you are looking into a bargain, check out Amazon, eBay, or even Craig’s List to see if you can get white noise machine for an affordable price. You can always splurge, because it’s a one-time only investment. Whatever you do, research the product, read product reviews, and be prepared for an investment that could change your cognition, focus, and restfulness. Check out white noise machines for better sleep and better productivity!


White Noise Apps

For those with iPod touches or iPhones, white noise applications can be a tool to help them drive, work, study, or sleep without the distractions of traffic, coworkers, or neighbors. Paid applications are common on iTunes, particularly for a variety of sounds. For three dollars, White Noise Ambiance allows you to mix and match sounds to create your own white noise. The application has a variety of sounds available from varying sounds for rain to the traditional crackling of fire. If this is beyond your price range, check out White Noise. The creators of White Noise by TMSOFT claim that their application was recommended by Doctor Oz. The application has over forty sounds that can be looped, so that you do not have to press restart, replay, or skip to get to your favorite sounds. It costs two dollars. Another application that is a paid one is the White Noise Baby, by the same creators of the White Noise application. For only a dollar, this application has over fifteen sounds that can be looped as well.

Not all one-dollar applications are for children and infants, however. One such application is White Noise Storm, which is created by TMSOFT as well, and focuses on rain and storms as central sounds for relaxation and focus. In addition, there is Sleep Sounds by Dyess Software, which allows for mixing and matching from 35 sound loops.

Free applications are far from rare for white noises to be available on your handheld device. Just type in “white noise” on iTunes and lots of amazing applications are readily available. One of the best ones is Relax Melodies by iLbSoft. It has forty white noise sounds that can help you mask noise in an easy way. White Noise Box is another free application that is available to aid in providing sound-masking frequencies into your life. It has high definition pictures to accompany the sounds you choose, so you have something visual as well as auditory to help you stay focused and rested. Another very popular application is Sleep Pillow and White Noise Lite application, which is also free. The application has some graphics that accompany the sounds. But, most importantly, it includes a variety of sounds. The makers of this application claim that the application has garnered references on popular television and news outlets such as CNN, ABC, CBS, Wall Street Journal, and Successful Living.

For more information, you can search for more applications by typing in “white noise” on iTunes and you will find a plethora of applications, many of them free, for your use.  What’s very neat, especially with free applications, is that you can try different applications until you find the perfect fit for you.


Music with Grandpa!

Hi! This is Grandpa, Steve Downing, of Acton, California. I created the Music with Grandpa game in 2003 to help my granddaughters, of which I had four at the time. I still have four but have since added two grandsons!

Music with Grandpa went on for several years with the two oldest of my granddaughters and is continuing today with the youngest. It is a very, very enjoyable activity.

Recently, I was looking for a way to earn extra money. I looked at different businesses, business opportunities, network marketing companies, etc. and nothing was very appealing. Then I remembered something I read in the entrepreneur books I browse in Barnes & Nobles in Palmdale, California, near where I live: Find something you enjoy doing and make it into a business. I enjoy helping my granddaughters doing Music with Grandpa. BOING!! Why not make Music with Grandpa into a business? Why not? Maybe others would like to do this, too. Learn More Click Here!


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Download 3 hours of Piano Music for $8.00. Instantly access 4 albums of piano music. Import into iTunes in minutes. Learn more about John Hinson Click Here!


Music Theory Course and Workshops!

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